> 耐品图片管理系统 标准版A > 耐品图片管理系统 标准版A/reMark.asp

CurrentPage = Cint(Netout.CheckStr(request.QueryString("page"),1))
sql="select * from NT_Remark where titleID="&titleID&" order by MarkTime desc"

With Netout
	.MaxPerPage	 = 10
	.TopPage	 = False
	.BottomPage	 = True
	.SqlRecord	 = sql
	.InitText	 = "篇评论"
	.strFileName = strFileName
	MarkRecord = .ShowRecord(CurrentPage)
End With

Function ShowContent(MaxPerPage)
	dim Html
	Html = "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' class='tableBorder'>"
	i=0:do while not rs.eof and i<MaxPerPage
		Html = Html&"<tr class='tableHeader'><td height='20' style='padding-left: 10px'><A name="&id&">"&rs("MarkMan")&" 在 "&rs("MarkTime")&" 发表如下评论:</a></td>"
		Html = Html&"<td width='30' align='center'>"&"<a href='#'>Top</a>"
		Html = Html&"</td></tr><tr><td class='tableBack' height='20' style='padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 20px; word-break: break-all;' colspan='2'>"
		Html = Html&rs("MarkDesc")&"</td></tr>"
		rs.movenext:i = i + 1
	Html = Html&"</table>"
	ShowContent = Html
End Function